
MetaTrader Indicators & EA Robots Developer

We are an experience developer for MetaTrader MQL Indicators and Expert Advisor (EA) Robots. We can integrate the signals into Telegram and WhatsApp for an up-to-date alerts.

About us

The Unsung Heroes

We've been doing software developments and system integrations for many years since 1991. Involved in MetaTrader MQL developments starting from 2018 onwards. We've developed many inidicators and robots for several Forex Gurus in Malaysia. We've also developed many mobile app for signal alerts on Android and iOS platforms. We even provide some of our clients to use e-Commerce to distribute their indicators.

We were our client`s unsung heroes who worked behind the scene to ensure they deliver a perfect platform for their clients.


Our Projects

Contact us

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Your inquiry will be sent through our Telegram messaging service for faster response.