Author Archives: Muhamad Kamal Selamat


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Anda suka fastfood? Tapi takut gemuk? Tak nak kolestrol naik? Tak Nak kena diabetes? SENANG Jeeee!!!! Anda boleh minum MULTI MIX FIBER selepas makan fastfood kerana fungsinya dapat menangkap lemak makanan, mengawal gula dalam darah dan paling BEST boleh mengempiskan perut!! Jadi anda tidak perlu risau lagi jika mahu makan fastfood tapi dalam masa yang sama anda boleh detox diri anda..

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10 Signs You Need To Detox

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10 Signs You Need To Detox

Category: Health 3,766 0

Detoxing. It has become a popular trend over the past few years for people to detox. Before people start detoxing there are three common questions asked. How do you know when it is right to detox your body? What are the health benefits of an effective detox program? How do you actual detox your body?

A good detox should be focused on making you healthier, not scaring your body into thinking you are starving yourself. However, along with getting your hormones back in balance and cleansing your system, weight loss is a very common side effect of a detox.

Why Do We Need To Detox?

In a world of processed foods, pesticides, pharmaceutical drugs, mercury, plastics, and chemicals—you cannot get through a day without being exposed to harmful toxins. Your body is designed to naturally detoxify itself through different organs in the digestive system. Eating the right foods can increase the effectiveness of your ability to detox, preventing toxins from building up in your system and leading your body to suffer from sickness and ailments. However, sometimes our bodies are not able to fully detox themselves and we are left with some of these toxins hanging around. An effective detox can aid the body in removing these remaining toxins.

10 Signs That You Need To Detox

It is important to note that the symptoms listed below may be a result of some other health condition. However, if you are generally feeling ok and healthy, but experiencing some of the symptoms listed below your body could use a detox.

1. Low Energy/Fatigued

It is important to note the difference from being tired and constant fatigue and low energy. Typically, it is a sign that you need to detox if you wake up feeling tired and sluggish and this state does not improve throughout the day. A detox can be used to help flush your system of toxins that may be prohibiting you from getting sufficient energy from your diet.

2. Constipated

Digestive problems are a common sign that a detox is needed. Constipation, especially if you have increased your fiber intake and adjusted your diet to help alleviate the problem, is a sign that something isn’t right in your digestive system. A detox helps by cleaning out your colon. In addition to clearing out any backup you may have, an effective detox can cleanse your digestive tract and improve overall digestive health.

3. Brain Fog/Unable to Focus

Toxins, like candida and heavy metals, can affect your ability to focus. If you find yourself constantly daydreaming or experiencing mental fog a detox may be in order. A detox helps get rid of the toxins, like candida and heavy metals, which prevent your brain from focusing.

4. Feeling Depressed

Your mental state is largely affected by what you put into your body. If you are eating healthy you are generally in a better, more upbeat mood. However, if you are eating poorly and not nourishing your body properly you can slip into a state of depression. A detox can help by cleansing your body of any toxins that are blocking the nutrients from getting to your brain to help improve your mood. These toxins can be stored in your body and a detox is an effective way to eliminate them and clean the slate.

5. Overweight or Trouble Losing Weight

Like many of the other symptoms toxins in your body can prohibit you from losing the extra weight you desire to shed. This is especially true when you have changed your diet and increased your amount of exercise, but still have not been able to shed any pounds. The toxins work against any changes you have made by blocking the minerals and vitamins your new diet is suppose to provide your body. An effective detox can clean your body and digestive tract of these toxins and help you get the full benefits of you new lifestyle.

6. Trouble Sleeping

Melatonin signals the body for sleep, but an excessively toxic body can reduce the amount of melatonin that is released, which can result in insomnia or bad, restless sleep. A detox can help restore your body to a more natural state. Your body can then release the appropriate amount of melatonin allowing you to fall asleep faster and have a better, more restful nights sleep.

7. Sexual Dysfunction

Your reproductive organs are just like any other organ. Their proper function can be disrupted if there are too many toxins damaging the body. A detox helps restore and give your reproductive organs the appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals they need to do their job.


8. Unexplained Headaches

An occasional headache, especially if the atmosphere is conducive to one, is common. A headache is one of the body’s most common ways to signal that something is wrong. However, if you are experiencing regular or chronic headaches without any other health condition you may want to try a detox.

9. Unexplained Soreness/Stiffness

Feeling sore and stiff when you didn’t do any recent physical activity is a sign to detox. You feel sore and stiff because of excess toxins in your body. These toxins store up in your body and lead to inflammation, which can cause undue soreness and stiffness. A detox can help reduce inflammation by eliminating these toxins, which can help aches and pains.

10. Skin Problems

Unhealthy skin, in the form of dry skin, rashes and acne, can be a sign that your body needs to detox. This holds especially true when you have tried other remedies to help your skin with unsuccessful results. Topical treatments won’t work and will only act as a masking agent for these conditions. To heal your skin you need to rid the body of the toxins causing the skin problems. A detox works at the source of the problem, ridding the body of toxins that can lead to rashes, outbreaks, and allergic reactions on the skin.

A quick note to remember while detoxing is that when toxins are released from the body you may experience temporary skin problems, but once the toxins are out of your body the skin will heal itself.

What Does A Detox Diet Look Like?

Whether you decide to go for a juice fast or you just want to eat more detoxifying raw foods to help maintain your body’s health in between detoxes, here is a list of raw foods to eat and why they are beneficial.

  • Green Leafy Vegetables and Broccoli sprouts are excellent foods to eat to aid in detoxification. The most common and best are spinach, chard, wheat grass, barley, arugula, blue green algae, spirulina, and kale. These are high in chlorophyll which help your liver break down and eliminate toxins. Baby broccoli sprouts are extremely high in antioxidants. This helps stimulate the detoxification enzymes in the digestive tract.
  • Raw vegetables high in sulphur and glutathione are excellent foods to include in a detox. They help the liver purge toxins for a deep cleanse. These vegetables include artichoke, asparagus, beets, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, kale, oregano, and turmeric.
  • Garlic gets its own category because of how powerful of a detox food it is. The best part about garlic is you can eat it raw or cooked to get the benefits, which makes it easy because you can add a little garlic to all your homemade dishes to help! Garlic helps the liver produce the detoxifying enzymes that work in the digestive tract and eliminate toxins.
  • Fruit is also a great detoxifying food. They are filled with water, antioxidants, fiber, and nutrients and vitamins like vitamin C—which all contribute toward detoxifying your body and preventing diseases. Eat a variety, from as many different colors as possible to cover the nutrient spectrum and leave the skin on if you can, so you can get the extra fiber.
  • Citrus, while a fruit, still gets its own category as a perfect detoxifying food. Lemons, oranges, and limes all work with the liver and enzymes in the digestive tract to flush out toxins. And you get an extra dose of vitamin C with citrus.
  • Beans, nuts, and seeds—between the fiber, the protein, and nutrients found in these foods—they certainly help your body get the balanced nutrition you need and help your body flush out the toxins via the digestive tract. Mung beans in particular actually absorb toxins in the digestive tract on their way out. As for the nuts and seeds—choose a variety. The more variety, the better detoxification you get.
  • Omega-3 oils actually absorb toxins in the digestive tract and then flush them out—making them a must-have in any detox. Get your omega-3 oils from whole foods like avocado, flax seed oil, hemp oil, or olive oil.
  • Green Tea is full of antioxidants like catechin, which specifically works with the liver.

How Often Should You Detox?

Just as it is important to maintain a healthy diet to help keep the body clean and balanced, it is important to detox the body. Everyone should do some sort of detoxification at least once a year. This yearly detox helps prevent the build up of toxins in the body, maintains quality health, and can help prevent diseases.

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High Fiber Diet Plan To Keep You Full Longer

Category : News

High Fiber Diet Plan To Keep You Full Longer


There’s no doubt that when it comes to dieting, most people who are trying to lose weight are often stuck over indulging on foods because they are left in a state of hunger or unsatisfied. Although it’s common, it’s easy to fix by simply increasing the amount of fiber in your diet.

A fiber rich diet is very important with losing weight as fiber is what will help keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer to avoid eating extra food or sugary snacks. Here are a few high fiber recipes I love that also take minutes to prepare and leave you feeling full for hours on end and prevent you from snacking throughout your day at school or work.

High Fiber Foods

High Fiber Breakfast

Oatmeal is on the top of my list of foods to give you a boost of fiber in your diet to help keep you feeling full longer. Oatmeal is also high in soluble fiber, which is what helps regulate cholesterol levels, and insoluble fiber, which is what keeps you feeling full for longer periods of time.

If you want to increase the amount of fiber in your oatmeal, simply mix your oats with milk instead of water, and as a topping, add some berries, such as blueberries or raspberries for that extra boost in fiber.

A cup of Oats provides you with over 8g of fiber, while 1 cup of blueberries adds another 3g of fiber, all under 400 calories for a delicious and hunger satisfying breakfast.

health benefits of oatmeal

Another way to prepare your oats, is in a container, mix ¼ cup of oats, 1/3 cup fat free milk, ½ cup fat free Greek yogurt, 1 small handful of nuts or almonds, and 1 cup of raspberries.

Let this sit in a container in the fridge overnight and in the morning you’ll have a breakfast meal already made that contains around 20g of protein with as much as 13g of fiber.

High Fiber Snack

The next food would be Yogurt. Low-fat or fat-free Greek yogurt is a high protein snack that is great for anytime of the day. Although most Greek yogurt has no fiber per cup, it does have 23g of protein, if you add some berries or nuts or even whey protein to the mix, it will be a filling and delicious high protein and high fiber snack that will hold you over until your next meal.

Adding some raspberries, hazelnuts and avocado into your snacks will add over 7g of fiber alone.

High Fiber Dinner

If you are preparing yourself a chicken meal, add a bulb of fennel, some garlic, 1 cup of chicken broth, small amount of lemon juice and a can of white kidney beans for a healthy, low calorie meal that contains upwards of 12g of fiber per serving of 10oz chicken portions while also providing you with over 70g of protein.

Simply combine all the ingredients together in a pan or baking dish and bake at 350F for about 40-45 minutes or until the chicken is baked fully through. Add the beans to the chicken in its final 10 minutes or so of baking.

Chicken stirfry

If you are wanting another chicken dish full of fiber, combine around 1lb of chicken breast with 1 medium sized pepper of choice, I prefer red, with about 8-10 ounces of peas or snap peas and around 4-6 ounces of green onion. This provides with you a very healthy and satisfying dish under 700 calories with over 100g of protein and 12g of fiber in the entire dish. This serves roughly 2 people at around 350 calories, 50g protein and 6g of fiber per serving.

If your chicken is too dry, simply add some soy sauce or cook it in 1 cup or so of chicken or vegetable broth to help keep the chicken moist and as well as add lots of flavor to the meat.

You may also substitute the meat choice from chicken to any other white meat that is as healthy such as turkey or white fish like cod and tilapia. Add some lemon juice and cilantro to your fish while it’s cooking to help keep it moist and full of flavor.

Take Home Message

As you can see it’s simple to add fiber to your diet plan so that you can reap the benefits and feel fuller for longer. This will stop you eating those bad snacks that keep bringing down your diet. Supplements such as white kidney bean extract, known as the carb-blocker, can also supplement your diet to help you achieve your goals.

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High Fiber Diets and Weight Loss

Category : News

When it comes to losing weight, one simple piece of advice may be more helpful than all the diet books, calorie counting, and portion measuring put together: Eat more fiber.

A recent study found that people who added more of it to their diets — without changing anything else — lost almost as much weight as people who followed the heart-healthy, low-fat eating plan recommended by the American Heart Association.

The study added to a growing body of evidence that people who eat more fiber tend to have a healthier body weight.

While high-fiber foods tend to be healthy (think: fruit, veggies, whole grains), what proved equally important was that this kind of diet was easier to stick to than the other, more structured approach.

High Fiber Diets and Weight Loss

What Is Fiber?

It’s a carbohydrate found in plant foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Unlike other carbs, it isn’t easily digested by your body, so it passes quickly through your system without causing your blood sugar to rise.

All fruits and vegetables have fiber, but it’s mostly concentrated in the skin, seeds, and membranes. That means an apple with the skin on has more fiber than a peeled banana. Some of the richest fruit sources of it are whole berries like raspberries and strawberries, says Tracie Jackson, RD, a nutrition therapist with the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

“Rather than scooping grapefruit out of the little juice pockets, peeling it like an orange and eating it will give you more fiber,” she says.

So how much do you need in order to lose extra pounds or stay at a healthy weight? Women under 50 years old should aim to get 25 grams of fiber a day, and men should shoot for 38 grams. Some experts recommend even more.

Americans get only about half that, which means we’re missing out not only on the weight benefit, but also a lower risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

High Fiber Diets and Weight Loss

How Does It Help With Weight Loss?

Fiber has no magical fat-burning properties. It simply helps you feel full without adding a lot of extra calories to your diet. When you have a baked potato (with skin) instead of a bag of potato chips, for example, you’re not only eating fewer calories — you’re less likely to feel hungry again an hour later.

“It’s choosing the most intelligent calories,” says Rebecca Blake, director of clinical nutrition at Mount Sinai Beth Israel in New York City.

How exactly does fiber guard against hunger pangs?

Simple: It fills your stomach, stimulating receptors that tell your brain that it’s time to stop eating.

You’ll also need to drink plenty of H20, about eight glasses a day, to move fiber through your digestive system, and that helps against hunger too. “All that water contributes to feelings of fullness and controls thirst, which can often be confused with hunger,” says Stephanie Polizzi, a registered dietitian nutritionist.

The “soluble” type of fiber, which absorbs water, forms a kind of gel inside your gut, slowing the absorption of sugars into your bloodstream. Lower blood sugar levels mean lower insulin levels — and that means your body is less likely to store fat.

High Fiber Diets and Weight Loss

What About Supplements?

It’s best to get your fill of fiber from food rather than from supplements.

Experts aren’t totally sure whether fiber on its own offers the same perks as when it’s combined with other food compounds. “We don’t really know if a particular nutrient works the same in isolation as it does coming from the broccoli,” Jackson says.

But supplements might help if you can’t get enough fiber from your diet, and especially if you’re feeling constipated. Talk to your doctor about what’s right for you.

High Fiber Diets and Weight Loss

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Curb Hunger Longer With These High-Fiber Fruits

Category : News

Curb Hunger Longer With These High-Fiber Fruits

It’s recommended that women eat 25 to 30 grams of fiber each day to decrease the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as some types of cancer, including breast cancer. Not only that, but fiber helps you stay regular, which decreases belly bloat, and it keeps you feeling full longer to help you eat less and lose weight. That’s a lot of roughage, but including plenty of fresh, luscious fruits in your diet is a great way to get your fill. Check out the chart below to see which sources are the best.


Apple 1 medium 93 4.3
Applesauce 1 cup 102 2.7
Apricot 3 50 2.1
Banana 1 medium 105 3.1
Blackberries 1 cup 62 7.6
Blueberries 1 cup 84 3.6
Cranberries (dried) 1/4 cup 130 2
Cantaloupe 1 cup diced 53 1.4
Cherries 1 cup (about 17) 87 2.9
Dates 2 133 3.2
Figs 2 medium 74 2.9
Grapes 1 cup (about 31) 104 1.4
Grapefruit 1 medium 41 1.4
Honeydew 1 cup diced 61 1.4
Kiwi 1 42 2.1
Mango 1 124 3.3
Nectarine 1 medium 62 2.4
Orange 1 medium 62 3.1
Papaya 1 cup diced 55 2.5
Peach 1 medium 59 2.3
Pear 1 medium 103 5.5
Pineapple 1 cup 83 2.3
Plum 1 30 0.9
Prunes 3 60 1.8
Raisins 1/4 cup 108 1.3
Raspberries 1 cup 64 8
Star fruit 1 cup sliced 45 3.7
Strawberries 1 cup sliced 53 3.3
Tangerine 1 medium 47 1.6
Watermelon 1 cup diced 46 0.6



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